Wednesday, June 6, 2012


good morning world...or at least the 3 kitties laying beside me.
i must say, starting a blog is harder than i imagined.  they make you choose a blog address, and of course all of the ones you can come up with are taken.
including, but not limited to...
someone had to have been laying in bed and looked up at the ceiling to create this (exactly what i did) no one wants that to be their address.  it was out of pure desperation.  come on.

so this is my last week of maymester (crowd cheers) and i am anything but productive.  tisk tisk.
isn't that all part of the college experience though?  waiting until the last minute to do something? letting the adrenaline build up as the last hour comes and you're only half way done with your paper?  i think so.
cheers to college!  a healthier way to fuel your adrenaline than monster.
but i must end so i can pretend to be productive.
isn't that just typical?

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